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Planned Giving Program

Moora Parish - One Parish. Six Communities.

Second Collection/Planned Giving


Please click below if you are ready to contribute through Donation or Planned Giving.


If you are a pilgrim/visitor to our parish you can also make a one-off contribution to support our parish if you wish. Please click below if you are ready.

Moora Parish serves six communities in and around Moora and extends towards the Turquoise coast. Serving the six communities which includes Moora, Miling, Dandaragan, Badgingarra, Cervantes and Jurien Bay is financially a challenging task being far away from the Archdiocesan centre as well as covering a large region. 


Our planned giving program is the principal funding sources for our parish operations.  This income is used to pay our bills each week or month as well as covering expenses overheads, maintenance and improvements. Foreseeing the future life of the parish, the Parish Finance Advisory Committee has created a strategic plan to build a sustainable plan that will help the parish to continue to run and be a beacon of faith in the rural WA.


Planned Giving differs from the first collection, which supports our pastor with living and travel expenses. Fr Simeon travels more than 600 km weekly, ministering to our parish needs. Proceeds from the Planned Giving (a pledge to support the second collection regularly) have to meet the annual costs of operating our parish, and these are many. These include maintenance, improvements, insurance, rates, utilities, consumables, telecommunications, office expenses (printing etc), facilities and grounds. On average, it costs us about $45,000 per year to meet our running costs. Despite the inflationary increases and the building of a new church in Jurien Bay, our parish has supported the operational needs of our parish community quite well. The loyalty of long-time parishioners and the inclusiveness offered to newcomers indicates the generosity of spirit in the parish.


One of the first step to rejuvenate is to restart the Parish Planned Giving program.  We propose a wide appeal for parishioners and supporters to pledge their participation by either renewing or by joining the program. Contributions to the Planned Giving Program are made through regular direct debit / credit transfers or cash in the second collection at each weekend Mass. To make things easier and updating ourselves to the digital world, our parish is promoting planned giving through our website where parishioners, pilgrims, visitors, friends and benefactors can make a contribution through a safe and secure payment platform embedded to the website. 


We are grateful to everyone who has contributed financially to support the parish and those who have either been already on the Planned Giving Program or would like to join the program and thereby helping build and maintain our Parish of Six Communities. Thank you very much. A drop in contributions can occur in an ageing demographic so we are keen for new participants and increased pledges.


If you have any queries about your Planned Giving Program contribution please contact our Treasurer Barbara De Meur via email or Fr Simeon (9651 1054)




Fr Saw Win Soe San

(a.k.a Fr Simeon)


Rev Dom Chris



91 Kintore St

Moora WA 6510



PO Box 168

Moora WA 6510



(08) 9651 1054



Get in touch

© 2023 Moora Parish, Archdiocese of Perth

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